I heard the end of a song the the other day that I’m not sure of the name, but the lyrics said, “Accept the work of the cross.” What does it mean to accept the work of the cross? If we look at the life of Jesus, we see the cross means betrayal. It means abuse. It means mockery. It’s full of pain and blood, and it eventually leads to death. To journey to the cross we see Jesus had to surrender and submit. We know that he had to sacrifice. We know that he stepped forward on obedience that was driven by the Father’s love. Scripture tells us that Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for our sins…so it was sin that drove him to the cross. So what does it mean to accept the work of the cross?
I believe the work of the cross is what we probably fight the most as we encounter God’s presence and love within our life. However, it is that same encounter, presence, and Father that desires to see us experience the fullness of His glory. If you remember, the cross wasn’t the end of the journey. After three days there was an empty tomb, and renewed life, and celebration. Then there was more time of prayer and waiting. Then there was an anointing of the Spirit and sharing of the Good News. There was a unity of community and growth in passion and service to one another. Then there was a movement, and a desire, to share and spread the message of Christ to all…baptizing and making disciples of all the nations.
But none of this would have happened without the work of the cross. You see, we must be willing to not only confess our sins and seek forgiveness, but we must be willing to surrender ourselves to the will of the Father. We must go to the cross. Sometimes that is painful and hurts because we have to release control, take off our masks, and open ourselves.
Sometimes we are mocked and made fun of because the outside world doesn’t understand the inside of our hearts. Some may even walk away and want no part or try to convince you that it’s a waste of time. But deep within your soul you know that something bigger is calling you even though it doesn’t make sense right now. And though it hurts at the moment, there is a presence and love that is giving you courage and strength and to do otherwise what would be disobedient. Surrender by choice is never easy. It looks ridiculous to those around us. This is the work of the cross that we choice to accept
But through our surrender to the work of the cross we experience a resurrection, a new life…freedom. We experience the sweetness of the Father’s love that allows us to not be held back by past hurts, sins, or choices. Our identity becomes a child of the true King. We are able to be open to the empowerment and boldness that comes with the Holy Spirit. We are able to ripple to others as we live and share of God’s glory. It unifies communities. It brings restoration to the broken and hope to the desperate. It’s the fruits of the cross.
May we accept the work of the cross so that His glory may shine. May Your will be done Father.